
There are two main ways to use the MadLisp language:

  • Command line use, for shell scripts and the REPL
  • Embedding the language inside another PHP application

Command line use

The following examples assume that the madlisp executable is available in your PATH as instructed in the previous section. Otherwise you need to replace it with the full path, e.g. vendor/bin/madlisp.

The interpreter can be given the -h or --help option to display all available arguments:

$ madlisp --help

The interactive REPL can be started with the -r option:

$ madlisp -r

A file containing MadLisp code can be evaluated by simply giving it as argument:

$ madlisp file.mad

For convenience when evaluating simple snippets, the -p option can be used to print out the result.

Code to be evaluated can be given as an argument with the -e option:

$ madlisp -p -e "(+ 1 2 3)"

With no arguments, the interpreter will read input from stdin. This can be used with pipes:

$ echo "(+ 1 2 3)" | madlisp -p

Some of the options can be combined together. For example, you can evaluate a file and then enter the REPL:

$ madlisp -r file.mad

However, as of this writing, short options cannot be combined together. Option parsing might be improved in future to allow this.

Passing arguments

Command line arguments can be passed to the Lisp environment by separating them with --. Arguments after the separator are passed. Special variables argc and argv are defined in the environment which contain the number of arguments and their values respectively.

To demonstrate, we can create a file that just returns the arguments and then evaluate it.

$ echo "(print argv)" > test.mad
$ madlisp test.mad -- abc efg 123
[abc efg 123]

Shell scripts

A shell script can be set to be evaluated using MadLisp with the Shebang notation.

For example, if we create a file myexec where the first line contains #! followed by the full path to the madlisp executable:

#!/usr/bin/env madlisp
(print (+ 1 2 3))

Then we can make the script executable using chmod and invoke it directly:

$ chmod a+x myexec
$ ./myexec

Note that for now arguments passed to Lisp still need to be separated with -- like above.

Embedded use

To embed MadLisp in your PHP application, use the LispFactory class to create an instance of Lisp. Then you can use the readEval method to evaluate Lisp code. The evaluated code can be printed to stdout by print or to string by pstr methods respectively. The print methods take a second parameter printReadable which, if true, will show strings in double quotes and escape special characters using backslashes. The rep method is a shortcut for read-eval-print.

Here is a simple example:


// Create instance of Lisp
$factory = new MadLisp\LispFactory();
$lisp = $factory->make();

// Evaluate code
$code = '(map (fn (a) (* a a)) (range 1 6))';
$result = $lisp->readEval($code);

// Print the result to string and echo it
$str_result = $lisp->pstr($result, false);
echo $str_result;

If we save the file as lisp.php, we can run it and see the result:

$ php lisp.php
[1 4 9 16 25]


The language includes a safe-mode that disables functions which allow external I/O. This allows a "sandbox" to be created where the evaluated scripts do not have access to the file system or other resources.

The safe-mode is enabled by giving true as argument to the make method of LispFactory.